Wednesday, August 14, 2013

They tell it like it is.

Photo Aug 14, 9 58 25 AM

Let’s just say that this is not the way I pictured starting this year off.1

There was a student up on campus yesterday that was kind enough to help me move a chair or two from my old room to the new one. His words upon seeing my new digs:

Dude. You got downgraded.2

And that’s what we love about kids, right? They don’t mince their words.

As a teacher, I suppose it’s difficult to explain to a non-teacher the significant attachment that we develop with our physical classroom. In a profession mostly devoid of “promotions” (either in pay or position), our classroom is one of the few things that is sacred to us. In other words, telling a teacher that they are being kicked out of their classroom invokes a similar “getting kicked in the gut” type of feeling that usually accompanies the words “it’s not you – it’s me”.

Photo Aug 14, 9 43 41 AM 2

In truth though, the new room isn’t all that shabby. I’m seriously considering giving it a paint job one of these next two weekends, however. I miss the old pastel purple and sunshine yellow.

The first thing I moved over this morning was my coffee maker.3 Thankfully I still have a room with a sink.4 Almost enough to make it feel like “home”.

Feels like home...

My schedule is also falling into place, but you can read about that over here if you so desire.5

12 days go to.

  1. in case you missed it, I was notified yesterday afternoon that I was being moved across campus to a different classroom. []
  2. on a side note, does anybody remember those old “DUDE. YOU GOT A DELL” commercials? []
  3. wipe that look of surprise off of your face. []
  4. at least for now… knock on wood []
  5. this would be a whole other issue, altogether… []