September 2013 Posts

Simple pleasures

Every once in a blue moon, I actually get to leave work before 5pm.

It doesn’t happen often.1

But when it does, oh man, it’s like the skies opening up, with swaths of light beaming down along with a heavenly chorus.

. . .


Today I introduced my students to “How Do You Feel Today”.2 Last year, I didn’t get to do these until week #7, but it was a slow morning, and I think this Monday demanded it.

I originally got this from my 11th grade English teacher3 and have since passed them on to every single one of my classes. They have nothing to do with math, but every now and then we need a nice distraction — even if only for a moment.

  1. I’ll bet I can count the number of times all year on my two hands… keep in mind we work ~187 days or so. []
  2. I ask students to get out a half-sheet of paper, then pick a face that describes how they are feeling, and write 2 or 3 sentences explaining why. Hey, we’re trying to emphasize writing as a campus, so this year it almost actually fits! []
  3. who was probably my favorite of all of my high school teachers. Yes, my favorite high school teacher was an English teacher, not a math teacher. []

Fix it anyway

Even in year 4 of teaching a class, sometimes I decide to scrap and revamp an entire lesson and homework assignment… at 10pm the night before that class.1


Just because something ain’t broke doesn’t mean it’s as good as it could be.2

On that topic: Last year was my 3rd of teaching AP Stat, and while there were about a half-dozen names with which I considered entitling it,3 I aptly settled on the following:


  1. while watching Sunday Night Football and Breaking Bad, of course. []
  2. interestingly… while inserting the above image, I noticed a typo on the worksheet on the right =/ []
  3. one of the other names I considered for Season 3 of AP Stat is the title of this blog post []

Opening Day surveys, 3 weeks later

So I’m going back over the first day questionnaires that I gave to my students and reading them again (now that I actually know who everyone is). 1

Here are some of the questions that I ask them to answer, along with a few of the more intriguing responses that I got this year:

What did you do this summer?

  • “Traveled the world (just part of it)”
  • “Attended nuclear engineering camp at Stanford.”2

Do you have any hobbies?

  • “Does shopping count as a hobby?”
  • “I like to draw & eat.”

Why are you taking this class?

  • “Because I took pre-cal & figured if calculus was anything close to it then I wanted to stay away from it.”
  • “Counselors put me in the wrong class. I’m switching out.”3
  • “To see math in a new light because the prior ‘lights’ have not been too great.”
  • “To boost my GPA.”4
  • “I wanted to take a class that would push me but not kill me.”
  • “I was originally going to take something else, and… I thought, Hey! Mr. Youn kept trying to recruit me so why not?”5
  • “…My sister told me her teacher taught her how to play poker at the end of the school year.”6
  • “I heard you were a good teacher.”7
  • “Because it makes me see things in a different light. I want to know other ways to skin a cat.”

How important is the AP Exam to you?

  • “5 or die.”

Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? About how many hours a week? What about a job?

  • “Hanging out with friends. 16 hours.”
  • “Boyfriend.”
  • “I have no outdoor activities.”8

Where do you plan to be after high school? College? If so, studying what?

  • “Anything away from home.”
  • “Out of the house.”
  • “Hopefully a somewhat prestigious college studying something I’m passionate about.”

Do you have any other comments or questions for me?

  • “Math doesn’t come naturally to me so you’ll see me in tutorials almost every day!”9
  • “What nationality are you?”
  • “Are you Korean?”
  • “Do you speak Korean?”
  • “I’m Korean whaaaat”
  • “No.”
  1. Because this sure beats the heck out of watching the Longhorns stumble against Ole Miss. []
  2. o_O []
  3. this kid actually decided to stay []
  4. I always find this amusing. Apparently AP Stat has a reputation as a “GPA booster” which is fair, to an extent… but deceptive to a few, I think. I really don’t mind as long as the students can hack it. []
  5. Wow! it works!? []
  6. lol! That teacher was NOT me! []
  7. Aww! I get this more than I feel like I deserve, and every time I think the same thing: “I hope I don’t disappoint…” =/ []
  8. I think this kid misunderstood the question. Actually I think all three of these misunderstood the question. []
  9. this kid dropped after the 2nd day :( []

Guess our fingers are safe… maybe.

(Disclaimer: this post has nothing to do with my life as a teacher)

Here’s the link.

Two things got my attention:

This will protect you from thieves trying to chop off your finger when they mug you for your phone.

The 5s sensor only works on live fingers. Nice. I guess the joke I made a few days ago isn’t something to worry about then…

But also: (emphasis mine)

Does fingerprint recognition work for everyone? No: guitar players, professional chefs, people who work in dry cleaners and chemical plants, and people in jobs that damage their fingertips will have problems.


Open house is over.

I feel invincible.

In all seriousness, while staying at school until 9 isn’t necessarily a thrill, it is always a blessing to have the chance to meet some of the families behind my students.

For as long as I’ve been teaching stat, I have done the same opening intro with the parents as I do with the students (“Is 99 a good number for you?”), and a lot of times that is actually more fun with the parents than it is with the kids.

Great evening.1

  1. …but I’m glad it’s over. []

Every beginning has a story

Monday, September 11, 2006. Anderson High. Seven years ago, today.

That was my first day of teaching, ever.1

It was a day when I honestly had no idea if I would be any good at this.2


The previous Tuesday, on my first day of observing3 the Algebra students who would make-or-break my slightly uncertain foray into the world of teaching, I was sitting in the back during passing period and a few of the rascals were making fun of Steve Irwin (the “crocodile hunter”) — who had been tragically killed by a stingray over the Labor Day weekend. They were saying things like, “He was dumb!” and “I’m glad the stingray killed him!”4 and I remember thinking to myself, “My gosh these kids are monsters, and they’re gonna destroy me. -_-“

I’m HAPPY for the stingray!

So on that 11th — the first Monday — as I was introducing myself to that 2nd period class, heart in my stomach, while passing out a stack of worksheets, one of the kids — who struck me as the “queen bee” type — raised her hand and asked, “Wait, does this mean you’re gonna be our teacher?” I thought to myself, “Yup. This is where they destroy me.” When I explained that yes, they would indeed be stranded5 with me for the next twelve weeks, she responded with a quaint:

Oh… cool.

I was a nervous wreck, and that’s honestly about the ONLY thing I remember from that entire week.6 I remember almost stopping mid-step and thinking to myself, “NO. Wait… WHY is that cool? I’ve never taught before, I have NO idea what I’m doing standing up here in front of you guys… that is NOT cool.”

And I don’t even really know if she actually meant “cool” as in “cool”, or… “cool” as in “this actually bites cuz you look like a tool but I’m going to be a polite little teenager and say ‘cool’ anyway.” But it was a nice gesture that had a bigger impact on me than I think anyone else would have picked up on. It goes to show that the smallest gestures can really and truly go a long way, and that it doesn’t take much to make7 someone’s day.8


After graduating from Texas in 2001 and taking a belly-flop of a gig with a local semiconductor joint during the dot-com burst,9 our church group spent a month on the east coast of Russia in the summer of 2004. That experience was transformational, and gave me a new perspective on — among other things — life and career. I entered the UTeach program the following January, and suddenly before I knew it, I was standing in front of two dozen+ high school freshmen, voice trembling, scared as freak, wondering if I’d be looking into a third career by week’s end… and there I was, holding on the words,

Oh… cool.

I always look back at that first day as being critically pivotal in my story. If things had gone belly-up during that student teaching gig, then these last seven years would likely have gone in a completely different direction.10 I certainly wouldn’t have ended up at McNeil the following January… and these past seven seasons — to which the word “magical” hardly does justice — would never have come to pass. For starters, I wouldn’t be preparing for my 7th Open House, which is tonight.11

. . .

A common job interview question for prospective teachers used to be12, “Is it more important to you for the students to LIKE you, or to RESPECT you?” The textbook answer is of course the latter, but let’s be honest, most decent human beings also care about the former. A lot of those kids should be graduating college this year, which absolutely blows my mind. To this day, I still don’t really understand why those kids took so well to me… but they did, and they were truly an amazing bunch.

  1. Student teaching, yes, but teaching, still. []
  2. Truly… sometimes I still don’t. []
  3. I had a week to observe the class before taking over the teaching duties []
  4. Seriously! I couldn’t believe my ears! []
  5. no, I didn’t actually use the word “stranded” []
  6. well, aside from how tired I was that Friday afternoon, which was literally THE most exhausted I have ever felt in my entire life, even today []
  7. or conversely, break []
  8. So go be nice to someone today. You really don’t know how big of an impact it might have. []
  9. At the time, most places were rescinding job offers, instead of extending them. []
  10. I probably would have pursued grad school, for starters… and then, who knows what. []
  11. and actually, I could almost do without, as I wouldn’t describe staying at school until 9PM as “magical” []
  12. and maybe it still is? []