Frito Pie vs The Force

Okay, I gave in.

Defeat finally called my number.

I tried — resisted temptation — with all of my might.

But on Thursday evening, I lost the battle.

For weeks, I had been avoiding the trailer for the upcoming Star Wars movie.1

But on this night, right before the new “Avengers” movie, a trailer with John Williams’ cue for The Force came up immediately after the “Please put on your 3D glasses now” message”,2 and I had one serious decision to make:

  1. Put down the Frito Pie burger34 that was occupying both of my hands so that I could plug my ears, or…
  2. Keep eating and just watch the dang thing.

Here’s the short version: The burger won.5


We had some nice weather in Central Texas earlier this week.

Sandwiched between days of 80’s and 90’s,6 it was a nice wink and a reminder of nicer, calmer times.

As in, long pants, long sleeves, and warm socks weather.





And… that’s all we’re getting.7

Just a wink.

That’s all.

With less than half of a lunar cycle separating us from the AP Exam, there is nothing “cool” and “calm” about the massive juggling act that we are desperately trying to maintain for just that “little while” longer.

Thirteen days from now, we finally get to land this crazy ride of a journey, and times will be sane once again.

  1. heck, up until a day or two ago I thought it was coming out this Summer. A student corrected me this week and said it was Christmas, and said “Haven’t you seen the trailer?!” []
  2. There’s a side-story somewhere about how I bought my ticket for “Age of Ultron” eight weeks ago and somehow managed to inadvertently buy it for the 3D version… []
  3. If you’re junk food illiterate: that would be chili, Fritos, cheese, onions, and BURGER. An explosive mess that is to die for. []
  4. YES, Alamo has Frito Pie burgers now! The guy next to me got fish-n-chips as well! New munchies on the Alamo Drafthouse menu! []
  5. ::shrug:: []
  6. which honestly will feel like an ice-cold massage compared to what’s coming in a month or two… []
  7. Until, oh… about December or so. November if we’re incredibly fortuitous. []