Screeching Shards


Every year around this time, things finally start to mesh and fall into place the way you had envisioned from the beginning.1

It’s the sweet spot of the journey at which the screeching actually starts to sound like music.2

Monday, we start teaching kids to reject the Ho.3

They say if ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And by all accounts, very little was “broken” in last year’s journey.

But there was one particular bump in the road last year that came in the form of major exam #7.4 A number of students actually told me that they felt that particular exam was on the edge of “unfair” and unlike what they had practiced in class. I’m not sure how others in my profession take such feedback, but personally, I take stuff like that to heart.5

So the one major adjustment to our program for this campaign came in rewriting the review and exam for this particular segment of the course.6

Well, that exam is tomorrow.

We’ll see how it goes.7

  1. If only it didn’t take 19 weeks to get here! []
  2. Or it’s merely the calm before the storm — a.k.a., the first major exam of the Spring semester… a.k.a., tomorrow. []
  3. #neveraccepttheHo []
  4. we have ten major exams throughout the year, before the AP Exam. []
  5. Hey, if my students feel comfortable enough with me to actually share that with me, I figure there’s too much smoke for there not to be a fire. []
  6. Which, by the way, if you’re curious as to how long it take to rewrite a full exam for my Statistics class: it basically takes two full weekends. If done during the summer break, anywhere from 3-4 days of fulltime work. Like writing a paper, you go through multiple drafts and edits and revisions, etc. []
  7. Of course, the first exam after Winter break universally stinks… so………. []